New Level Results Introduces Powerful Tool for Creating and Managing Highly Effective Teams
New Level Results announces the launch of its powerful and proven tool that helps companies build highly effective teams. The New Level Results Team Compatibility Programme has revolutionized how teams are created and how new members are added to existing teams. It allows HR managers and other executives to quickly choose the best new members to complement any existing team.
It has taken 5 years to develop the algorithms to address a major problem companies have with conflict within teams. Teams often change due to promotions and moves, and as a result, conflict can erupt and entire teams can collapse. As a result, the company’s bottom line suffers a great deal, especially if that team used to be highly successful before the change.
Team incompatibility can be a huge problem for companies since teams are at the heart of their overall results. How well the teams work together is crucial to their performance as well as the success of the entire company. While various more traditional strategies have been used to assemble teams, there is a lot of guesswork involved. And one mistake can spell disaster.
Even team building workshops and trust building exercises cannot make up for a bad fit among team members. And a team that does not work well together faces a serious handicap when it comes to performing the assigned tasks. Results are lacking, and the team members are unhappy.
This can lead to high turnover and the need to hire new members, which can be very costly. And the traditional approach does not offer any guarantees that the new member will work out any better.
Considering the cost of badly performing teams, and the time involved in finding the best members through trial and error, a better solution is clearly needed. And now, the New Level Results Team Compatibility Programme offers such a solution.
The Programme helps assemble entire teams, and it also can help with finding the best new member for an existing team. It does so by evaluating how the personality traits of the team members work together. Unlike more traditional psychometric tools this software predicts the optimum success of teams, literally at the touch of a button.
It can even help trouble-shoot in situations where incompatible teammates cause problems in a team, as it finds the source of the conflict and enables the team leader and / or a coach to help the parties understand each other better and work together more harmoniously.
According to Simon Teague, co-director of New Level Results, The Team Compatibility Programme “will be invaluable to HR managers and top executives of corporations and smaller companies alike. It saves endless time and money, and ensures that teams work effectively together.” And Nick West Managing Director of Sterlingbuild Ltd, “Our profile pairings explaining so much about why each of board think so differently. It clarified the reasons why and when we have conflict and pointed us toward solutions that ensure we play to our strengths and make better, more powerful decisions regarding the growth of our business”
We’d like to invite HR managers and executives to find out more about it by going to The Team Culture website .”
New Level Results also offers select HR managers an opportunity to experience the New Level Results Team Compatibility Programme themselves by taking a personality assessment free of charge. After watching the demonstration video, they can request their sample assessment here: contact us
For more information, please visit the website where you can view videos that explain The Programme in more detail, The Team Culture Website